Breakfast of Champions

Today, I got up rather early, so I figured: why not make some breakfast and also blog? I haven't done that in a while.

I call this breakfast of champions because it has everything you would want in a strong meal: protein, carbohydrates, fat (slightly), minerals, fiber, etc. etc. Not to mention it was delicious.

Easy stuff first:

1 glass of fat free skim milk
1 glass of orange juice
Two wheat toasts--one with fat-free grape jelly, and another with Nutella (indulgence)
Fruit selection: Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, grapes, and blueberries, topped with fat-free redi-whip

2 egg whites only
1 egg with yolk
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/8 cup chopped red peppers
1/8 cup chopped green peppers
1/4 cup onion (minced=chopped into fine pieces)
1/4 cup white baby bella mushrooms
1 slice of garlic minced
1/4 cup tomatoes (diced)
Fresh basil (1-2 leaves)
Rice cheese (or cheese of your choice)

Spices: (Tsp =small spoon, tbsp = big spoon)
1/4 tsp Thyme
1/4 tsp Parsley
1/4 tsp Sage
1/4 tsp Ginger
1/4 tsp Turmeric (for color and to fight Alzheimer's
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste

First of all, heat up a skillet or a pan with the olive oil. Always use medium heat, because otherwise your food will either overcook or cause the fire alarm to go off (I speak from experience). After the oil is heated (you can find out by just sprinkling some water on the oil and it kind of starts to simmer. Add the chopped onions and mushrooms and salt and start sauteing them there. Stir occasionally. After the onions start to brown a little bit, add the peppers, tomatoes, and garlic, and the rest of the spices.

After the veggies look sort of cooked (brownish color), add the eggs. Lower heat to halfway between low and hot and cook the eggs until the bottom of the eggs are brown. Then use a flat spatula to flip the eggs. This can be tricky and you will probably fail at doing it. Don't worry, I fail too--it just comes with practice! lol

The eggs will look done when both sides are brown. Add the cheese and fold the egg and let it heat up for a little bit. Serve on the place, and enjoy your breakfast of champions!


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