Curried egg sandwich

I definitely need a better camera. But it is SO easy just to click upload on my camera phone. Sigh.

So today, I decided to try something new (shocking). My method of putting random stuff together and it accidentally tasting delicious has worked for me a lot of times, so why not, right? Well today, I felt like it was a sandwich kind of day. Going along with the theme of making your kitchen reek, I decided to make curried egg sandwich.

WARNING: Before you buy your eggs, be aware of the current egg recall that is going on.

Prep time: 5 min
Cook time: 5 min
Approx Calories: 250


2 slices of bread (wheat to add healthy to it)
3-4 slices of cucumber
2-3 slices of tomato
2 egg whites
1/2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 tsp curry powder
Pinch of salt
Spread of some sort (I added a special kind I bought from Hy-Vee called Kohinoor Chutney Spread)
1/2 tsp minced garlic


Curried Egg
Heat the olive oil in a saucepan. Then add the egg whites. Add curry powder and pinch of salt evenly. Cook under medium heat for 2 mins or until the bottom turns brown. Turn and cook again for a few minutes.

Put it all together! The minced garlic goes on after the spread of your choice.

My reaction: tastes like a refreshing sandwich with a kick thanks to the curry powder.


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