
Showing posts from June, 2017

Trading Places

Today something odd happened. We didn’t plan for it to happen, but it just happened. NB and I swapped spots in the kitchen. In our normal roles, NB handles all of the cooking and I handle all of the baking. I always say one of the best things I ever did was teaching NB to cook. He is a seriously amazing chef and he enjoys being creative in the kitchen, which baking doesn’t allow with it’s strict measuring and rules. However, I love baking! I enjoy taking something that looks like nothing and watching it turn into something magical and delicious. So, how did we end up switching roles? I’m still not really sure. It probably had something to do with having salmon for dinner. For some reason, I always end up cooking the salmon. Probably because it’s so easy, you just throw some seasoning on add heat and you look like a culinary pro. Today the seasoning of choice was Penzeys Spices’ “Chesapeake Bay” Seasoning (get it here ) which was an impulse buy the last time I was in Penzeys, we...