
Showing posts from December, 2013

Christmas Duck Confit Over Red Cabbage and Onion, Winter Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes and Green Bean Casserole

Dear Readers, Sorry about the absence. It has been a busy month for one reason or another. This recipe was what I made for Thanksgiving, but it would be perfect for your Christmas entertaining as well! For this recipe, I will not put nutritional information. Mostly because I do not know how to calculate it with the duck confit. What is duck confit (pronounced "con-fee" or [ kÉ”̃fi ])? Well, it literally means "prepared" (comes from French confire , i.e. "to prepare"). It is slow cooked duck in rendered duck fat. It sounds peculiar, but duck confit is probably one of the best things I have ever tasted. Duck meat may be a little gamey, but it melts in your mouth and tastes succulent. However, even though the duck is cooked in its own fat, it doesn't taste oily. This dish may be on the expensive side too. Mostly because it calls for duck leg and rendered duck fat. Both of these ingredients were very  difficult to find in Iowa. In fact, I searched t...